Lavender Farm
About The Farm

About Us
Warwickshire Lavender Farm

Warwickshire Lavender Farm started out in 2016, as a dream hobby (!) for retirement, to provide a beautiful environment and to give Ian’s 3 bee hive residents, some lovely foraging and to produce the much sought-after lavender honey.

Pippa, being a psychotherapist, was passionate how important fresh air, exercise, beautiful surroundings and essential oils are for relaxation, and this field with its beautiful colours, sights and sounds is wonderful for good mental wellbeing.

Since the first strip was cut in what was an old pig pen ( in Weston under Wetherley) during a cold snowy April, things have certainly grown to what we have today!  Watery Lane, a beautiful new site, with a peaceful south facing field including a natural pond and old stone stable, nestled in the Warwickshire countryside was the perfect home for the Warwickshire Lavender Farm. Now 8 acres are planted up with at least 20,000 lavender plants, 3 different varieties of lavender and some 1000 rosemary plants.

None of this would have been possible without some incredible friends, Martin, Stuart and John (affectionately known as the Lav Boys!) who have helped through sun and rain to plant the fields by hand, and keep weeds at bay, together with further help from local village friends and neighbours and knowledgeable farmers, we have been extremely fortunate. It really has been a team effort! And way more work than was initially envisaged!!

Every plant has been lovingly planted and tended, and our dream of having an organically grown lavender farm, with essential oils distilled on site, is well on the way now.

We hope you enjoy visiting on line or in person our beautiful little farm and cafe, that is on an ever improving journey.

We look forward to welcoming you

Ian and Pippa

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The Farm
The 3 varieties we grow

The 3 varieties of lavender we grow have been chosen for their hardiness and high quality oils.

  1. Lavandula Angustifolia Folgate : (formerly L.officianalis), native to the Mediterranean, however it is commonly known as English lavender, this was originally grown for the amazing vivid blue flowers, however the essential oil it produces is very special being delicate, floral and a bit sweet
  2. Lavandula Angustifolia Maillette : introduced from France its grown for its exceptional oil quality and content, it forms a loose mound of aromatic grey green foliage around 2’ tall and wide.
  3. Lavandula Intermedia Grosso: ‘Grosso’Lavandin is famed throughout the world as the one most often grown for use in perfume making, it has one of the strongest fragrances and produces exceptionally large, rich, deep violet flower spikes up to 6 inches long. Grosso is a hybrid lavender known as a lavendin, it is a result of a spontaneous cross between true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia) it therefore has the best characteristics of both lavenders. The essential oil is very fragrant and slightly camphorous.
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Lavender Farm
visits to the farm

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